Exercise and asthma
Is it safe to exercise, if I am an asthmatic person?
One of the goals of asthma treatment is to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes also sports. Follow your treatment program by taking medications as prescribed by the doctor, avoiding asthma triggers and by monitoring symptoms and lung function and you will achieve this goal.
If asthma symptoms do not allow you to lead an active lifestyle, inform your doctor. Perhaps to restore daily activity and the ability to play sports, you need to make small changes in the treatment program.
What kind of exercise is best for asthmatics?
Sports that require short, unstable physical stress, such as volleyball, gymnastics, walking, wrestling, are well tolerated by people suffering from stress asthma.
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Kinds of sport with long-term constant efforts such as football, long-distance running, basketball, field hockey, are not recommended for people with asthma stresses, as well as winter sports such as ice hockey, skiing and ice skating. Nevertheless, many asthmatics are successfully engaged in such sports.
Swimming, a sport that requires high endurance, is recommended for asthmatics, since exercises take place in rooms with moist and warm air. It is also an excellent sport for maintaining physical fitness.
Also, asthmatics are suitable for sports such as cycling, aerobics, walking or running on a treadmill.
How much can I do if I have asthma?
Ideally, if you have asthma or not, it is recommended to practice 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes. Talk to your doctor about how much you can do.
What should I do to control asthma symptoms during exercise?
- Always use inhalers (inhalation bronchodilators) before exercise.
- Before the beginning of the basic training well warm up an organism, and after the termination allow to an organism well to cool down.
- If the weather is cold, it's better to indulge indoors or wear a mask or scarf on your nose and mouth.
- If you have allergic asthma, try to avoid exercise during periods of rapid flowering and especially severe air pollution.
- If you have a viral infection, for example, the flu, it is better to stop exercising for a while.
- The loads should be calculated for you.
Support for an active lifestyle is very important, both for physical and mental health. Remember: asthma is not a reason to give up physical exercise. With accurate diagnosis and the right and effective treatment - you can enjoy all the benefits of physical exercise without even remembering asthma.
If you have any questions, contact your doctor.
What if I have an attack during the training?
If you feel worsening of asthma symptoms during exercise, stop and use an inhaler (a fast-acting drug, for example, albuterol). If the symptoms have completely passed, you can resume your workout. If symptoms return, stop exercising, repeat the medication and call a doctor.