What is Bronchial Cancer
Bronchial and lung cancer is usually treated together, combining it with the name "bronchopulmonary cancer. " There are two forms: central lung cancer, coming from a large or small bronchus, and peripheral cancer developing from the lung tissue itself. Distinguish the central cancer of the lung, growing mainly intra- or peribronhyapno (80% of cases); peripheral cancer; rarely mediastinal form, miliary (nodular) carcinosis, etc. are diagnosed.
What causes / Causes of Bronchial Cancer:
Development of lung cancer can be preceded by chronic inflammatory processes: chronic pneumonia, bronchiectatic disease, chronic bronchitis, lung scars after previous tuberculosis, etc. Smoking plays an important role, as according to most statistics lung cancer in smokers is observed more often , than for non-smokers. So, when smoking two or more packs of cigarettes per day, the incidence of lung cancer increases by 15-25 times. Other risk factors include work on asbestos production, irradiation.
Pathogenesis (what happens?) During Bronchial Cancer:
According to the histological structure, lung cancers are most often squamous, although glandular forms (adenocarcinomas) are also observed, sharply anaplastic - small cell carcinoma, ovarian cell and some other variants.
Symptoms of Bronchial Cancer:
Symptoms of bronchopulmonary cancer are different depending on where the primary tumor originates - in the bronchus or in the lung tissue. With bronchial cancer (central cancer)the disease usually begins with a dry nausea cough, and then sputum appears, often with an admixture of blood. It is characteristic for this form of the periodic causeless occurrence of pneumonia - the so-called pneumonitis, accompanied by increased cough, high fever, general weakness, and sometimes chest pain. The cause of the development of pneumoids is the temporary blockage of the bronchus by the tumor due to the joining inflammation. In this case, atelectasis (airlessness) of a segment or lobe of the lung occurs, which is inevitably accompanied by an outbreak of infection in the atelectasis site. With a decrease in the inflammatory component around the tumor or the disintegration of its lumen, the bronchus is again partially restored, atelectasis disappears, and all phenomena temporarily stop in order to break out again in a few months.
Very often, these "waves" of pneumonitis are taken for influenza, exacerbation of bronchitis, and medication is administered without examining the patient radiographically. In other cases, the lung is transmitted through the disappearance of pneumonitis phenomena, when the atelectasis characteristic of the cancer disappears, and the disease remains unrecognized. In the future, the course of the disease takes a persistent character: persistent cough, increasing weakness, fever and chest pain. Disturbances of respiration can be significant in the development of hypoventilation and atelectasis of the lobe or the entire lung. For when the symptom of atelectasis that is characteristic of cancer disappears, and the disease remains unrecognized. In the future, the course of the disease takes a persistent character: persistent cough, increasing weakness, fever and chest pain.
Disturbances of respiration can be significant in the development of hypoventilation and atelectasis of the lobe or the entire lung. For when the symptom of atelectasis that is characteristic of cancer disappears, and the disease remains unrecognized. In the future, the course of the disease takes a persistent character: persistent cough, increasing weakness, fever and chest pain. Disturbances of respiration can be significant in the development of hypoventilation and atelectasis of the lobe or the entire lung.
For peripheral lung cancer, developing in the lung tissue itself, the onset of the disease is almost without symptoms. In these stages, the tumor is often detected accidentally in a preventive X-ray examination of the patient. Only with the increase in size, the inflamed inflammation or the germination of the bronchus or pleura with the tumor, there is a strong symptom of severe pain, cough with a rise in temperature. In the advanced stage due to the spread of the tumor into the cavity of the pleura, cancer pleurisy develops with a progressive accumulation of bloody effusion.
Diagnosis of Bronchial Cancer:
In the early stages of the illness, external examination of the patient gives little to diagnose cancer. With a large lesion of lung tissue or a significant portion of atelectasis, dyspnea, a grayish-pale complexion, and a westernization of the thoracic wall, respectively, occur atelectasis. With lung cancer, an early increase in ESR, sometimes leukocytosis and anemia, is observed quite early. The main method of recognizing lung cancer is X-ray study. For central cancer, a symptom of atelectasis is characteristic, and in peripheral cases, a round shadow with irregular contours is visible in the pictures, with an intense shadow that often leads to the "path" to the lung root, which results from cancer lymphangitis.
In the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes of the lung root, the latter are visible on the roentgenogram in the form of several rounded shadows that merge with each other. X-ray images must be made in two projections, often using tomography. Doubtful changes on the roentgenogram in patients older than 40 years with a high probability of lung cancer. With an insufficiently clear radiographic picture resort to bronchography. Identified with this symptom "stump" in the form of an abruption of one of the bronchi confirms the presence of a central cancer.
The second obligatory method of investigation is bronchoscopy, in which the tumor that appears in the bronchus lumen, the infiltration of the bronchial wall or its compression from the outside can be seen. The diagnosis, as a rule, is sought to confirm by morphological research, for which repeatedly (up to 6-8 times) sputum is examined for atypical cancer cells, smears are taken from the surface of the tumor with bronchoscopy or washings from the bronchus. Often it is possible to make a biopsy, taking a piece of tissue through a bronchoscope with a special instrument. When suspected of metastatic damage to the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, mediastinoscopy is used. In small cell lung cancer, the first priority is to assess the extent of the spread of the disease, which is achieved by scintigraphy of the skeleton, bone marrow biopsy, ultrasound of the liver, computed tomography of the brain.
Treatment of Bronchial Cancer:
The choice of treatment depends on the histological form of the cancer, its prevalence, the presence of metastases. With non-small cell lung cancer, lung cancer treatment can be both purely surgical and combined. The latter method yields better long-term results. With combined treatment, it begins with remote gamma therapy on the primary tumor zone and metastases. After an interval of 2-3 pedules, surgical intervention is undertaken: removal of the entire lung - pulmonectomy - or removal of one (two) lobes - lobectomy and bilobectomy. Surgery on the lung, especially in weakened cancer patients, is an extremely responsible and difficult intervention, requiring special preparation of the patient, high qualification of the surgeon, skillful anesthesia and thorough post-operative care.
The preparation of patients consists of fortifying agents - a full-fledged, protein-rich and vitamin-rich food, anti-inflammatory therapy in the form of general antibiotic and sulfamine ammonium therapy, as well as local antibiotic administration through the bronchoscope (therapeutic bronchoscopy), the appointment of tonic cardiovascular and therapeutic, especially respiratory, gymnastics . In the postoperative period, the patient should be provided with a constant supply of oxygen. Upon exiting from anesthesia, he is given a semi-sitting position and closely monitors the pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate and the general appearance of the patient. In addition, during the first 2-3 days, active aspiration from the pleural cavity is carried out through the left drains by suction. It is necessary to constantly monitor the active aspiration from the drainage, because the delay in the outflow of blood and air in the pleura threatens the displacement of the mediastinum with severe disorders of the heart and the possibility of subsequent suppuration with the development of pleural empyema.
Usually, after the operation, a course of antibiotics and other medications are prescribed, depending on the patient's condition, the volume of the operation and the complications that arise. The diet of patients does not change, except for the first days, when the diet is somewhat limited. In the postoperative period, from the second day, respiratory gymnastics begins to improve blood circulation and prevent congestive pneumonia in a healthy lung. Recurrence of lung cancer occurs after inadequate radical surgery, usually in the form of renewed growth of the tumor in the left bronchus stump in those cases where there was a significant infiltration of its wall far beyond the visible limits of the tumor.
Treatment of recurrences is usually purely palliative. With the disseminated form of the disease, the main method of treatment is chemotherapeutic. As an additional method, radiotherapy is used. Surgery is very rarely used. With a common cancer, the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect. With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods.
Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. With the disseminated form of the disease, the main method of treatment is chemotherapeutic. As an additional method, radiotherapy is used. Surgery is very rarely used. With a common cancer, the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect.
With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. With the disseminated form of the disease, the main method of treatment is chemotherapeutic. As an additional method, radiotherapy is used. Surgery is very rarely used.
With a common cancer, the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect. With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. As an additional method, radiotherapy is used.
Surgery is very rarely used. With a common cancer, the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect. With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods.
Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. As an additional method, radiotherapy is used. Surgery is very rarely used. With a common cancer, the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect.
With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy.
In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect. With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. the presence of distant metastases, lesions of supraclavicular lymph nodes or exudative pleurisy shows combined chemotherapy. In the absence of the effect of chemotherapy or the presence of metastases in the brain, irradiation gives a palliative effect.
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With very common, inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose, remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses are performed, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. Inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose are performed by remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses, sometimes combining both these methods.
Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. Inoperable forms of lung cancer with palliative purpose are performed by remote gamma-therapy or chemotherapy courses, sometimes combining both these methods. Palliative radiotherapy or treatment with antitumour agents can provide temporary improvement and prolong the life of the patient. Metastasis of lung cancer goes both lymphogenous and hematogenous.
Lymph nodes of the root of the lung, mediastinum, as well as more distant groups on the neck, in the supraclavicular region are affected. Hematogenous lung cancer spreads to the liver, bones, brain and into the second lung. Small metastatic and aggressive course is characterized by small cell carcinoma. Prognosis for lung cancerdepends primarily on the stage of the process, as well as on the histological picture of the tumor - the anaplastic forms are very malicious. With non-small cell lung cancer, survival is 40-50% in stage I and 15-30% in stage II. In advanced or inoperable cases, radiation therapy gives a 5-year survival rate of 4-8%. With limited small cell carcinoma in patients who received combined chemotherapy and radiation, long-term survival rates range from 10 to 50%. In cases of advanced cancer, the forecast is unfavorable.
Maximum survival is achieved after extensive removal of the mediastinal lymph nodes. Radical surgery (pulmonectomy, lobectomy with removal of regional lymph nodes) can be carried out only in 10-20% of patients, when lung cancer is diagnosed in the early stages. In the locally advanced form of the disease, an extended pulmonectomy is performed with the removal of bifurcation, tracheobronchial, lower paratracheal and mediastinal lymph nodes, and if necessary with resection of the pericardium, diaphragm, thoracic wall. If surgery is impossible due to the prevalence of the process or due to the presence of contraindications, radiation therapy is performed. Objective effect, accompanied by a significant symptomatic improvement, is achieved in this case in 30-40% of patients.
If surgery is impossible due to the prevalence of the process or due to the presence of contraindications, radiation therapy is performed. Objective effect, accompanied by a significant symptomatic improvement, is achieved in this case in 30-40% of patients. If surgery is impossible due to the prevalence of the process or due to the presence of contraindications, radiation therapy is performed. Objective effect, accompanied by a significant symptomatic improvement, is achieved in this case in 30-40% of patients.
Prevention of Bronchial Cancer:
Preventive measures that should be widely cited include the timely and correct treatment of various inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs in order to prevent their transition to chronic forms. A very important preventative measure is the cessation of smoking. Those working in hazardous industries with high dustiness should use personal protection methods in the form of masks, respirators, etc.
What doctors should be consulted if you have bronchial cancer:
Oncologist Pulmonologist
Interesting facts about the disease Bronchial cancer:
In the US, the cause of every fourth death is cancer, an average of 500 thousand annually. In 2001, about 1268 thousand cases of cancer were expected. According to the National Institute of Health in 2001, the total costs associated with this disease amounted to 180.2 billion dollars. Importance of dietary factors in the etiology of most cancers is recognized by all experts, as repeatedly noted in reports from various studies, including those conducted by the Institute for Cancer Research in 1997. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the most carefully studied aspects relevant to risk cancer. Next are the results of recent studies on the main forms of cancer. Cancer of the lung and bronchi is the main cause of death of cancer patients, both men, both women and women. The projected figure in 2001 may amount to 157.4 thousand people.
Numerous earlier studies show an inverse relationship between the level of consumption of fruits and vegetables and the occurrence of lung cancer, and the results of the latter only confirm it. The risk of American women (according to the organization Nurses' Health Study), consuming a large number of individual varieties of fruits and vegetables or their combination, develop lung cancer by 21 to 32% less than the average figure, while the role of vegetables from the statistical point of view is very significant.
The chance of lung cancer in women consuming less than two servings of fruits and vegetables per day, significantly increases. The most effective preventive properties are the vegetables of the family Cruciferae (OSK) - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, color, cabbage, as well as citrus fruits and plants rich in carotenoids. Confirmation of the above is the results of group studies conducted in the Netherlands, according to which a clear inverse relationship between consumption of USC and citrus and the possibility of the occurrence of cancer. Moreover, according to information from the Nurses' Health Study and the findings of the Health Professionals, there is an inverse relationship between the risk of lung cancer and the consumption of carotenoids and beta-carotenes, but at the same time, there was no direct correlation between fruit consumption and vegetables and the risk of lung cancer in men. according to which there is a clear inverse relationship between consumption of OSK and citrus and the possibility of the onset of cancer. Moreover, according to information from the Nurses' Health Study and the findings of the Health Professionals, there is an inverse relationship between the risk of lung cancer and the consumption of carotenoids and beta-carotenes, but at the same time, there was no direct correlation between fruit consumption and vegetables and the risk of lung cancer in men. according to which there is a clear inverse relationship between consumption of OSK and citrus and the possibility of the onset of cancer. Moreover, according to information from the Nurses'
Health Study and the findings of the Health Professionals, there is an inverse relationship between the risk of lung cancer and the consumption of carotenoids and beta-carotenes, but at the same time, there was no direct correlation between fruit consumption and vegetables and the risk of lung cancer in men. "... The average daily consumption of cruciferous vegetables in the United States is about 5 to 11 grams per day, well below the average figure indicated in the research report ... Thus, the available data indicate that there is a potential preventive effect on the occurrence of breast cancer when consuming some vegetables. " Studies among various ethnic groups in Hawaii have shown significant feedback between the risk of lung cancer and the consumption of foods rich in flavonoid quercetins, including apples and onions. Yellow grapefruit, an abundant source of flavonoid naringenins, also gives a strong protective effect.
It is believed that a large number of quercetins obtained with these products reduces the risk of disease, but their effectiveness is low. The positive effect of consuming a large number of fruits and vegetables can depend on whether a person smokes or not. Studies conducted in Europe for 25 years showed that vegetables and fruits can play a big role in the prevention of lung cancer, but the least effect was noted among those who smoke a lot. Similar results show that,