Showing posts with label COPD treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COPD treatment. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

COPD: An Overview of Treatment

Although COPD can not be cured, it can be controlled. 

Treatment objectives:

  • Slow down the disease, avoiding tobacco smoke and polluted air.

  • Limit symptoms such as shortness of breath.

  • Increase the level of activity.

  • Improve your health.

  • Prevent and treat sudden exacerbations of the disease.

Most people with COPD continue to live in their usual rhythm of life.

Initial treatment

COPD treatment in the initial stages facilitates breathing and slows down the disease. You need:

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  • Quit smoking. It's very important and it's never too late. No matter how long you live with COPD, quitting smoking will slow the illness and improve the quality of life. Today, there are many ways to quit smoking.

  • Active life position. If you remain active, you will be able to control shortness of breath and are less likely to feel depressed or isolated.

  • Take care of your health. Influenza, pneumonia, and other diseases that damage the lungs can exacerbate COPD. Do your best to avoid them:

    • Wash your hands often.

    • Avoid contact with sick people.

    • Consult with your doctor about the annual vaccination of influenza and pneumonia.

  • Adhere to a balanced diet. Muscle weakness and weight loss are common in severe COPD, making it difficult for the body to fight the disease.

  • Avoid trigger factors. Avoid factors that can cause a sudden exacerbation of the disease, including polluted air, cold dry air and hot, humid air.

  • Learn how to breathe. Learn the methods of breathing to increase the flow of air into the lungs. Learn ways to cleanse the lungs to conserve energy and oxygen.

  • Rest more often. Give yourself time to rest in the breaks between household chores and other activities.

Oxygen treatment

Oxygen treatment is used mainly to prevent right-sided heart failure.


  • Bronchodilator funds. These drugs open the bronchial intubation tubes, which facilitates breathing and reduces symptoms.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids, can be in the form of pills or be used with an inhaler. If you use an inhaler, be sure to read the instructions to it.

  • Expectorants. These drugs will facilitate the expectoration of mucus.

  • Treatment of muscle weakness and weight loss. Many patients with COPD have a problem with weight that can be treated, paying attention to regular and balanced meals.

  • Rehabilitation program for the lungs. The doctor can offer this program for training breathing and proper selection of physical exertion.

Surgery as a form of COPD treatment is not very common, but there are several types of COPD:

  • Reducing the volume of the lung involves removing part of one or both of the lungs.

  • Transplantation of the lung.

  • Bullectomy removes bullae from the lungs.

Heart failure, which damages the right side of the heart and is called the pulmonary heart, is common in people with COPD. Treatment can consist of oxygen and a diuretic.

About what it is worth remembering

COPD treatment is applicable on an ongoing basis, but it is worth remembering that COPD is a disease that can be fatal. You and your doctor should discuss all treatment options, as well as an action plan in case of exacerbations.

COPD: Continuous treatment

Over time, COPD is aggravated. Dyspnea worsens along with other symptoms of COPD.

If the diagnosis is made in the early stages, you may be able to avoid serious lung damage.

It is very important to stop smoking

  • If you continue to smoke, the symptoms of COPD will worsen more quickly, and you will be more at risk of other serious illnesses.

  • Damage to the lung can not be cured and restored, but you can take control of the symptoms of the disease if you quit smoking.


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The health problems caused by COPD include:

  • Sudden exacerbation of COPD, manifested in the form of sudden attacks of cough, wheezing, and / or the amount or color of mucus that you refract.

  • Increased lung infections, such as pneumonia.

  • Increased risk of osteoporosis, especially if you are taking corticosteroids.

  • Depression or anxiety. COPD can limit the ability to work and can reduce your independence, sexual activity, social activity, and self-esteem. This often causes depression, and difficulty breathing can cause a feeling of excitement.

  • Problems with weight. If chronic bronchitis is the basis of COPD, you will probably lose weight. With emphysema, you can gain weight and muscle mass.

  • Heart failure that damages the right side of the heart.

  • Pneumothorax. COPD can damage the structure of the lung, which will lead to the ingress of air into the chest cavity.

  • Problems with sleep due to lack of oxygen in the lungs.

COPD treatment is improved, which improves the quality of life of patients, but COPD can also be exacerbated and lead to fatal consequences.

It is important to talk with your doctor about these problems:

  • How do you see "your death"? Do you want to fight for life to the end? Do you want a peaceful, peaceful death?

  • If you experience sudden, life-threatening breathing problems, do you want artificial ventilation?

  • What other alternative treatments are you ready for?

  • Do you want to sign a document on transferring to another person the rights to make important medical decisions in case of loss of legal capacity?

COPD: Alternative treatment and surgery

Surgery as a form of COPD treatment is not very common, but there are several types of COPD:

  • Reducing the volume of the lung involves removing part of one or both of the lungs.

  • Transplantation of the lung.

  • Bullectomy removes bullae from the lungs.

Alternative treatment

COPD treatment

Alternative treatment involves:

  • A rehabilitation program that combines physical activity, respiratory therapy, emotional support, dietary advice and information. Such programs are required for patients after surgical reduction of lung volume or lung transplantation.

  • Oxygen treatment consists of supplying oxygen through a mask or tube, which helps to relieve dyspnea.

  • Artificial ventilation facilitates breathing, used in a hospital for sudden exacerbations of COPD.

  • Injections of antitrypsin Alpha1 (such as Aralast, Prolastin, or Zemaira). These drugs help patients with antitrypsin deficiency alpha 1.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021