Showing posts with label Asthma and smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asthma and smoking. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Asthma and smoking

Asthma and smoking

Surely this is not the first time you hear that asthma and smoking are not the best combinations. But you may not realize that quitting smoking is the most important step that you can take to protect the lungs and prevent asthma symptoms.

Why should I quit smoking?

You probably heard and you know that smoking is very dangerous for asthmatics and for the health of the body as a whole - as well as for the health of people around you. If you stop smoking, then:

  • You will extend your life.

  • Improve your health. Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, throat cancer, lung disease, which is called emphysema, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, ulcers and worsens asthma overall.

  • You will feel healthier. Smoking provokes cough, sore throat (laryngitis) and inability to exercise normally.

  • You'll look better. Smoking can cause wrinkles, yellow teeth and sagging and flabby skin.

  • Improve the sense of taste and smell.

  • Save money.

How can I quit smoking?

One way to quit smoking, which works for everyone and everyone, no. Special programs can help you. Ask about these programs from your doctor.

Before you stop smoking at once, it's better to make a plan:

  • Pick a date when you stop smoking, and start preparing.

  • Write down when and why you smoke. So you will find out what motivates you to smoke.

  • Write down what you usually do when you smoke. Try to smoke at other times and other places to break the connection between smoking and certain activities.

  • List the reasons why you should quit smoking. Be ready, do something when you want to smoke.

  • Ask your doctor about nicotine gums and bandages. To some people, these methods are very helpful. Also ask the doctor to prescribe medications that help you get rid of this addiction.

We quit smoking: Day One

The first day, when you decided to stop smoking, start without a cigarette. And now follow these tips:

  • Do not focus on what is not. Think about the end result.

  • Tell yourself that you can quit. Remind yourself about it when pulling on a cigarette.

  • If you really want to smoke, take a deep breath. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale slowly.

  • Take care of your hands. Write, play sports, tie or work on the computer.

  • Change activities that previously involved smoking. Take a walk or read a book instead of a cigarette.

  • Do not carry a cigarette lighter, matches or cigarettes.

  • Visit places where you are not allowed to smoke, for example, museums and libraries.

  • Eat a low-calorie, healthy food when you particularly want to smoke. Carrots, greens, fresh fruit and low-fat snacks are great for this.

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can cause you to smoke. Stop your choice on water, herbal teas, decaffeinated drinks and juices.

  • Physical exercises. Regular exercise will help you relax and distract.

  • Do not communicate with smokers.

  • Support. Tell others about your achievements, which you are proud of.

How soon will the results be noticeable after I quit smoking?

After 20 minutes of non-smoking:

  • The blood pressure drops and the pulse normalizes

  • The temperature drops in the hands and feet

After 8 hours:

  • The level of carbon monoxide in the blood comes back to normal

  • Increases the level of oxygen in the blood

After 24 hours:

  • The risk of a heart attack decreases

After 48 hours:

  • Nerve endings adjust to the absence of nicotine

  • A sense of taste and smell begins to return.

After 72 hours:

  • Relieve bronchial tubes, which improves asthma

From two weeks to 3 months:

  • Improves circulation

  • Improves the tolerance of exercise

After 1-9 months:

  • Reduces coughing, stuffy nasal sinuses, fatigue and dyspnea

  • New cilia grow in the airways, thereby increasing the ability of the lungs to retain mucus, clear the lungs and reduce the likelihood of infection (i.e., improving the state of asthma)

  • Forces and energy in general are multiplied.

In a year:

  • The risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases is reduced by half (than that of a smoker)

In five years:

  • The risk of dying from lung cancer is almost halved (than that of a smoker)

After ten years:

  • The risk of dying from lung cancer is virtually reduced to zero (as well as non-smokers)

  • There is also a risk of developing another cancer, for example, cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, kidneys, diaphragm and pancreas

[caption id="attachment_457" align="aligncenter" width="536"]Asthma and smoking Asthma and smoking[/caption]

How will I feel when I quit smoking?

Once you quit smoking, you may have to abstain and will:

  • I really want to smoke a cigarette.

  • Feel strong hunger.

  • Often cough.

  • Headache.

  • It is impossible to concentrate.

  • Constipation (stagnation of the stomach).

  • Feeling very tired.

  • Sore throat.

  • Problems with sleep.

Although these symptoms, if you quit smoking for the first time, will be very strong, but they will quickly pass and completely disappear after a few weeks.

I quit smoking several times and did not work. What if it does not work out now?

To quit smoking, you must be emotionally and psychologically prepared for this. It may take several times to finally achieve success. Some people are more prepared than others. Take a look at the five steps that a person is on the road to a successful quitting.

  • Stage one: preparation for the goal. You do not want to quit, but you can try to quit, because you feel it is necessary.

  • Step two: the goal. You can quit smoking someday. You have not taken any steps for this, but you want to stop smoking.

  • Stage three: preparation. You have already taken small steps: less smoking or switched to cigarettes of a lighter brand.

  • Step Four: Action. You stop smoking. You change your actions and surroundings to cope with the desire to smoke and do not smoke for six months.

  • Step five: support. You do not smoke for a year.

Remember: Return to smoking is very common. In fact, 75% of all who quit smoking return to this habit again. A lot of smokers quit smoking 3-4 times, until it is crowned with success. So do not give up!

How to live with asthma?

How to live with asthma?

Even if you live with asthma for a relatively short time, you still need medical help. You can get help from your doctor or asthma specialists and other asthmatics.

Repetitive episodes of stuffy nose, wheezing or lack of breath of anyone will make nervous, depressed or even broken. Living with persistent asthma symptoms can lead to severe stress. And stress can only double the aggravation of symptoms. So where do you turn for help and support?

We will give you some tips on how to live with asthma and lead a normal active lifestyle, enjoying your hobby, including playing sports. Here are a few sections on how to live with asthma.

Stress and asthma

Although stress alone does not cause asthma, stress and asthma are undoubtedly related to each other. Asthma provokes the appearance of stress, and stress complicates the treatment of asthma. Even daily stresses worsen asthma. Learn to reduce stress and thereby reduce the severity of asthma symptoms. It is also important to prioritize your daily schedule to leave enough time to overcome feelings of depression and anxiety.

The longer the problem with breathing remains uncontrolled, the sooner you will notice the signs caused by stress. This can cause shortness of breath, and more serious problems are possible, including:

  • Problems with sleep or nighttime asthma, which is the cause of persistent fatigue.

  • Inability to exercise sports or stress asthma, which does not allow full exercise in aerobics and fitness.

  • Impossibility to concentrate, thereby provoking poor results of the work performed.

  • Dissatisfaction with the occupation of your favorite activities, because of lack of energy and strength.

  • Changes in appetite due to medications taken.

  • Feeling depressed.

It is best to continue living with asthma and fight the symptoms. Learn more about stress and the body's response to stress. Set goals for yourself and start managing stress.

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Anxiety and asthma

When stress gradually takes over you, you will soon notice an increase in the symptoms of asthma and anxiety. Since such symptoms as wheezing and cough worsen, you become more restless and then asthma begins to exacerbate even more. Asthma and anxiety are a vicious cycle. Learn more about the relationship between anxiety and asthma and talk with your doctor or professional counselor about ways to reduce anxiety to regain control of asthma.

How to find support

It is very important not to remain without support. People around you, family members, friends, employees, can give you this support. These people should not only know what to do in case of an asthma attack but also how asthma can be controlled and controlled. Support can also be found in online organizations, support groups in your area and maintaining relationships with other asthmatics. Support will help you cope better with stress.

Asthma and smoking

Asthma and smoking are not the best combinations. If you have asthma and at the same time you smoke, talk honestly with your doctor about how to quit smoking. Smoking not only increases the degree of development of asthma symptoms - coughing, mucus formation, wheezing - but also increases the risk of lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema (another lung disease), cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, ulcers and other diseases. New drugs that help quit smoking are two or even three times more effective than nicotine gum, but these medicines require the appointment of a doctor. Quitting smoking will prolong your life and you will need to take less medicine to regain control of asthma. So think about it today!

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021