Showing posts with label Asthma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asthma. Show all posts

Thursday, November 2, 2017

How to live normally and breathe freely with Asthma?

Do not know where to start? We will teach you how to use the asthma guidebook and you can continue to live normally and breathe freely.

Do you have asthma? And maybe a member of your family or a close friend has asthma. More than 22 million people suffer from asthma and this figure continues to grow steadily.

It is necessary to understand how asthma complicates the daily life of patients and their families. Although the doctor prescribes medicines and other methods for dealing with symptoms, you also need to know as much as possible about self-help to help yourself as much as possible. Start taking care of yourself now and you can lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

On our website, we provide you with the most complete and up-to-date information.

If you have asthma, then your main goal is to control the disease with minimal side effects. Control is carried out by maintaining the regimen of medications prescribed by your doctor, avoiding pathogens, preventing stress asthma, so that you can regularly exercise, follow the treatment program and adhere to nutritious foods. This knowledge and written treatment program will allow you to relax and take timely measures to prevent asthma attacks. If you care about someone who suffers from asthma, then your goal is to get as much information and patience as you care about your loved one. Our goal is to provide complete and up-to-date information to help you and your loved one to live normally and forget about the existence of asthma. So, let's begin:

Overview and facts

Is the diagnosis of asthma? Begin by studying the basics: inflammatory processes in the airways. Asthma is a chronic lung disease, which means a general term. Surely you are wondering what causes asthma. The causes of asthma and risk factors are the first step in the prevention of asthma. In addition, if you have children, we know that you want to protect them and keep them healthy. Take time and learn more about asthma in children, which is a serious and increasingly an increasing problem in the world.

Symptoms and Types of Asthma

Worried about the symptoms of asthma? Interestingly, chronic cough is the only symptom of asthma, which is called cough asthma. Learn more about symptoms such as wheezing, chest compressions, dyspnea, and you can talk more freely with your doctor. And the doctor already determines which tests you need to go through to confirm the diagnosis. If you have asthma and allergies, stay away from tobacco smoke, take an antihistaminic, sedative-free remedy every day during an exacerbation of an allergy, or even go through immunotherapy. In some people, asthma exacerbates only during exercise, which is called stress asthma. Learn all about asthma attacks and atypical asthma symptoms and you will be able to recognize the slightest signs of an impending attack and take the necessary measures in time.

See Also:

Bronchial Asthma Symptoms, Treatments, Diagnosis, Causes

Diagnostics and tests

Before you take medications for asthma, you probably want to first make sure that the diagnosis is correct. If the diagnosis has not yet been made, specific tests can help in this. You also want to know that the prescription drugs are really effective. That's why pulmonary function tests are so important.

Treatment and self-help

If you are unsure of the medications your doctor prescribed you, find out more about how they work, how effective they are, what side effects and what alternative treatment is available. Although most of the medications are available in the form of tablets, the main ones are still "sprays" or inhalers - anti-inflammatory drugs or bronchodilators (expand the airways). A lot of people do not know how to use inhalers properly and therefore they can not get proper relief from coughing or chest compressions. Make sure you are using the inhaler correctly. And also you need to know when to apply to aerosol to prevent an asthma attack.

See Also:

Medical Facts of Bronchial asthma for common man

Inhalation anti-inflammatory drugs (asthma regulators) - the basis of preventive treatment for asthmatics. Some people also need to take a long-acting bronchodilator to help the respiratory tract remain open. You may also need "rescue inhalers" or quick-acting drugs that begin to act a few minutes after ingestion. When the airways are relaxed and open, the air normally enters and exits the lungs.

It does not matter what medications your doctor prescribed to you - anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators or prednisone - it's more important to take them constantly. Also, ask your doctor to give you a treatment program that will help you understand and control the symptoms of asthma on a daily basis. Make sure the doctor has prescribed a treatment program for your child; talk to your child's teachers about his illness and the ability to bring medicine to school.

Everyday life

Self-help is very important, especially for children, people engaged in occupations. That's why knowledge is so important in everyday life with asthma. Learn more about asthma and nutrition. You need to know how exercising can improve your stamina and support you in a healthy way. Also, do not forget about support, how to manage your stress and anxiety and reduce the worsening of asthma symptoms. 

The main thing is to recognize the slightest signs at an early stage and in time to seek help.

If you decide to have a baby, it is very important to understand how pregnancy can affect asthma. Read the section on pregnancy and asthma, on the control of asthma during labour and lactation. If your newborn child suffers from asthma, read the article "Asthma in newborns." You will be able to understand why some children are more predisposed to asthma than others.

So read, study and breathe freely!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Bronchial Asthma Symptoms, Treatments, Diagnosis, Causes

This article will cover Bronchial Asthma Symptoms, Treatments, Diagnosis, Causes and many more in detail.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that makes breathing difficult. Asthma causes inflammation of the airways, through which oxygen enters the lungs, and inflammation becomes the cause of their temporary narrowing.

All this provokes certain symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, lack of air (shortness of breath) and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Some people call asthma "bronchial asthma."

Although there are seemingly miraculous drugs, but this disease - asthma should be taken seriously. This serious, even dangerous disease affects more than 22 million people around the world and causes more than 2 million ambulance calls a year. With the correct treatment of asthma, you can feel great and live a full life. But improper treatment limits the ability of physical activity and human activity. Poor monitoring of the course of the disease can result in frequent calls of the ambulance and even hospitalization, which accordingly negatively affects personal life and work.

In each subsequent section, there are articles that reveal a specific topic in more detail. Carefully read each section, and you will have a better understanding of what asthma is, how it is diagnosed and how it is treated.

Here are three main features of asthma:

Violation of airway patency

With normal breathing, the ligaments of the muscle tissues surrounding the airways are in a relaxed state, so oxygen freely enters the lungs. But in people with asthma, the elements that cause an allergic reaction cause the muscle tissues around the airways to contract strongly and oxygen can not flow freely. The lack of oxygen causes a person to have difficulty breathing, and the air passing through narrowed paths causes a whistle, which is called wheezing.

Bronchial Asthma(Fortunately, narrowing of the respiratory tract is reversible, this is a feature that distinguishes asthma from other diseases that affect the lungs, for example, bronchitis or emphysema.)


In patients with asthma, bronchi and bronchioles become red and swollen. From the inflammation, most suffer from the lungs. Therefore, the treatment of inflammation is the main point in controlling the course of the disease.

Irritation of the respiratory tract

Respiratory tract in asthmatic patients is particularly sensitive. Respiratory tracts react sharply and severely narrowed by the action of even an insignificant pathogen such as pollen, animal hair, dust or smoke.

Asthma in adults

asthma attackAsthma affects more than 22 million people around the world. Asthma can develop at any age, although still more common in young people, up to 40 years.

In people with a hereditary predisposition to asthma, the risk of developing this disease is much higher. Allergies and asthma often go hand in hand. Smoking with asthma is very dangerous, but many people continue to smoke.

Although asthma can develop at any age, but in adults, asthma attacks occur much more often. If you have asthma symptoms, be sure to see a doctor. The doctor will tell you how to use inhalers and other medications to prevent further development of the disease and breathing problems.

Asthma in children

Asthma more and more affects children. Practically every tenth child has asthma. This is a terrible statistics, which scientists have been trying to find an explanation lately. More than 6.5 million children under the age of 18 are diagnosed with asthma. Compared with the 1980 data, the incidence of asthma in children has doubled.

Symptoms of asthma can vary from age to age in the same child. The signs and symptoms of asthma are the following:

  • Frequent cough that occurs during physical activity, at night during sleep or when the child laughs. It is very important not to forget that coughing with asthma can be the only sign of the disease.

  • Lack of vitality

  • Rapid breathing

  • Complaints of pressure or chest pain

  • Whistling sound when inhaled or exhaled. A whistling sound is called a wheezing.

  • Strong chest movement, which causes shortness of breath. These movements are called retraction.

  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, shortness of breath

  • The feeling of compression in the neck and chest

  • Feeling of inexplicable weakness or fatigue



Causes and agents of asthma

People with asthma have very sensitive respiratory tracts that react sharply to various pathogens that are in the environment and are called "asthma triggers." Contact with these pathogens causes progression or worsening of asthma symptoms. Here are some of the most common asthma pathogens:

  • Infections such as sinusitis (a disease of the nasal sinuses), colds and flu

  • Allergens such as pollen and spores of plants, animal hair, dust

  • Irritants such as parfums or cleansers with a strong persistent odor, as well as environmental contamination

  • Physical activity (stress asthma)

  • Weather; a sharp drop in temperature and / or air humidity; cold air

  • Strong emotions, for example, anxiety, laughter or crying, stress

  • Medical preparations, for example, aspirin.

Asthma attack

An asthma attack is a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms. During an asthma attack, the airways become severely narrowed, swollen or filled with mucus.

Common symptoms of Asthma include:

  • Cough, especially at night, during sleep

  • Whistling breathing (piercing wheezing during exhalation)

  • Lack of breathing, shortness of breath

  • Pressure, contraction or pain in the chest area

Not all people during an attack of asthma can have the same symptoms. It is not necessary that all the symptoms manifest immediately. In addition, each time the symptoms can be different, for example, once insignificant, while at the same time more serious.

Status of asthma (acute asthma attacks)

Prolonged acute asthma attacks, which are not treated with an inhaled bronchodilator (bronchodilator), require immediate treatment in the emergency department. Doctors call such serious asthma attacks requiring immediate medical intervention, "the status of an asthmatic."

Diagnosis and treatment of asthma

If you think that you have asthma, you need to see a specialist. The doctor will conduct a survey, prescribe tests and determine if you have asthma or not.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, there are now many different treatments that will make you feel good and reduce the discomfort caused by asthma symptoms.

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