Showing posts with label how to use a dosed inhaler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to use a dosed inhaler. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

How to use a dosed Inhaler for Asthma Patients?

To treat diseases that affect the lungs, for example, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lot of similar drugs are used. Usually, a metered-dose inhaler is used to inject these drugs into the lungs.

Key points to use a dosed Inhaler for Asthma Patients

Dosage inhaler:

  • Directs the dosed amount of the medication directly to the lungs.

  • It can help keep the symptoms under control and prevent damage to the lungs.

  • Prevents or reduces side effects of drugs.

  • Allows you to use less medicine that has the same effect, but with more pills.

  • Acts much faster than the tablet.

What is a metered dose inhaler?

A metered-dose inhaler is a small device with which the drug is delivered directly to the lungs.

The use of a separator with a metered inhaler is the most effective way of injecting drugs into the lungs.

The separator works as a "catcher" of the drug before direct inhalation. The use of the separator improves the quality of medication entry into the lungs and helps if the use of the inhaler causes any difficulties. You can practice in front of a mirror. When taking inhaled corticosteroids, the use of a separator is mandatory; this will reduce the side effects.

The metered-dose inhaler is used to receive various types of medications. The inhaler contains the medicine you need in your case. For example, an inhaler may contain a drug that prevents an asthma attack or helps with symptoms of COPD.

For some drugs, you need a certain type of inhaler. Before buying a new inhaler, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Test your knowledge

In the inhaler, various drugs can be used to treat various diseases.

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  • No - Wrong answer

The inhaler is used to treat lung diseases, for example, asthma and COPD.

Advantages of using metered dose inhaler

There are advantages to using a metered-dose inhaler:

  • The metered-dose inhaler injects the medicine into the body in a precisely measured amount.

  • A metered-dose inhaler helps keep symptoms under control and minimizes lung damage.

  • With the correct use of the metered-dose inhaler, the medication is delivered directly to the lungs and does not circulate through the body. This prevents or reduces side effects.

  • Thanks to the inhaler, you need to take less medicine, which has the same effect as tablets.

  • The medicine begins to act much faster than the pill.

[caption id="attachment_405" align="aligncenter" width="319"]dosed Inhaler for Asthma Patients dosed Inhaler for Asthma Patients[/caption]

Test your knowledge

A metered-dose inhaler helps prevent side effects of the drug.

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  • No - Wrong answer

A metered-dose inhaler helps to minimize side effects, since only with proper use, most of the drug is injected directly into the lungs and does not enter other parts of the body.

How to use a dosed inhaler?

Before you start using a dosed inhaler:

  1. Talk with your doctor to make sure you are using the inhaler correctly. Practice in front of a mirror can help in this. Using the inhaler, strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

  2. Check if you took the medicine. If you use several inhalers, note at each time of admission.

  3. Check the amount of medication in the inhaler. Read the label for the inhaler, which indicates the possible number of uses. If you know how many times you have already used it, you can buy a new one before the medicine ends. Learn to recognize how much medicine is left in the inhaler. In this you will help your doctor or pharmacist.

  4. If you have difficulty in using the inhaler or if you are taking corticosteroids, then use a separator.

The separator is the most effective way of injecting drugs directly into the lungs.

  • See the slideshow how to use a metered inhaler with a separator (for children).

  • See the slideshow how to use a metered inhaler with a separator (for adults).

Although it is recommended to use a separator with a metered inhaler, but you can also opt out of it. See the slideshow how to use a metered inhaler without a separator (for children and adults).

If you are taking a corticosteroid, then after using the inhaler, you should always rinse your mouth thoroughly. You can not swallow water. If you swallow this water, the remnants of the medicine can get into the blood. And this can increase the side effects of the drug.

Some powdered medications can clog the inhaler, but it is not necessary to clean the inhaler every day. Sometimes rinse the separator or tip, cap and body.

Test your knowledge

The use of a separator together with a metered inhaler is the most effective way of directly injecting drugs into the lungs.

  • Yes - Correct answer

  • No - Wrong answer

The use of a separator together with a metered inhaler is the most effective way of injecting drugs into the lungs.

Where now?

Now that you have become acquainted with this information, you are ready to start working with a metered inhaler.

Talk to your doctor

If you have questions about this information, ask them at the next appointment with a doctor.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021